Magic and other misdemeanors / ; By Buckley, Michael.

Format:Fairy-tale detectives Sabrina and Daphne Grimm face their first case without Granny Relda's help when the future gets mixed up with the past in Ferryport Landing, and because some of the future does not look bright, Puck helps them try to make some changes.
ISBN:0810993589 (al
Publisher:New York : Amulet Books,
Physical Details: xii, 283 p. : ill. ; 19 cm.
Record No.:145468
Type/Format Call Number Location Due Date Last Seen Barcode
02. English Fiction F BUC Parkside Elementary School 2013-04-11 PSXX20765
02. English Fiction F BUC Queen Elizabeth Elementary School 2018-09-14 QEES16165
02. English Fiction F BUC Southern Kings Consolidated School 2017-03-14 SKCS6018
02. English Fiction F BUC Morell Consolidated School 2019-01-16 MORC6302
02. English Fiction F BUC Belfast Consolidated School 2022-02-07 BCSX11698
02. English Fiction F BUC Mt. Stewart Consolidated School 2018-10-27 MSCS11659
02. English Fiction F TWEEN BUC Gulf Shore Consolidated School 2022-12-12 GULF13717
02. English Fiction F BUC Mt. Stewart Consolidated School 2021-01-20 MSCS10913